Regular Expressions Succinctly

In Regular Expressions Succinctly, author Joe Booth helps Visual Studio developers understand how to use regular expressions to solve basic programming problems. By introducing patterns and rules to your C# strings, you can eliminate the need to write your own complex code for text manipulation. You’ll learn to search for numbers, characters, symbols, and more, as well as enable your code to identify and reproduce patterns. Steps for creating and testing regular expressions are also included.

In Regular Expressions Succinctly, author Joe Booth helps Visual Studio developers understand how to use regular expressions to solve basic programming problems. By introducing patterns and rules to your C# strings, you can eliminate the need to write your own complex code for text manipulation. You’ll learn to search for numbers, characters, symbols, and more, as well as enable your code to identify and reproduce patterns. Steps for creating and testing regular expressions are also included. 

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